Hyderabad, known as the "City of Pearls," is celebrated for its exquisite pearl jewellery, with each piece showcasing the city’s rich heritage and skilled craftsmanship. Among the many options in pearl jewellery, Hyderabad pearl necklace sets stand out for their elegance, quality, and versatility. In this guide, we’ll explore the charm of Hyderabad pearl necklace sets, what makes them special, and where to find the best pearl jewellery shops in Hyderabad to secure these timeless treasures. Why Hyderabad Pearl Necklace Sets Are So Unique Hyderabad has a long history of pearl trading, dating back centuries when the Nizam of Hyderabad imported pearls from the Arabian Gulf. Today, the city remains a global hub for pearl jewellery, with highly skilled artisans who blend traditional and contemporary designs in each piece. Hyderabad pearl necklace sets are unique because of their lustrous, high-quality pearls and intricate designs that often include a fusion of pearls with ...